Moms Clean Air Force and Climate Parents will join the American Lung Association at the Capitol on Wednesday to meet with legislators in a final push for SB 32 and SB 350.

"My son has asthma, and SB 350​ and SB32​ will not only clean up our air, but will make our energy and transportation systems healthier for all kids. Latinos and other communities of color are particularly vulnerable to the health and climate impacts of burning fossil fuels---legislators need to do the right thing and support ​these bills." ~Joselino de la Rosa, father of two and member of Climate Parents  

"I support SB 350 & SB 32 because I worry about my son's sensitive asthmatic lungs. These bills will create more clean, renewable energy in California and help us use less polluting fossil fuels, which is great news for my son and children with breathing problems. Plus, it will create green jobs - the jobs of the future and the type of jobs that I want my kids to have.” ~Vanessa Bulkacz, Los Angeles, Moms Clean Air Force member, and mother of two twin boys, Franklin and Cassidy

"It is often said that children are our most precious resource. My two young boys are my whole world; and most parents feel the same way about their kids. Fossil fuel pollution is giving our kids asthma and spurring the climate impacts--from extreme drought to wildfires--putting our kids in harm's way. The solution is kid-safe, climate safe energy. Every single California lawmaker has the opportunity to stand with families in voting yes for SB350 and SB32---and that is the only moral course of action." ~Lisa Hoyos, Director and Co-Founder, Climate Parents​ 

“California moms will do everything they can to keep their children healthy and out of harm. Our families need policies that continue California’s leading commitment to clean air, healthy communities and shifting our economy away from relying on dirty fossil fuels. SB 350 & SB 32 are essential for ensuring California families live in a state that is defined by healthy, pollution-free communities where our children can breathe clean air for generations to come.” ~Dominique Browning, Co-Founder and Senior Director, Moms Clean Air Force

Contacts: Loni Cortez Russell, Moms Clean Air Force Regional Field Manager, Western States, 415-293-6140, // Lisa Hoyos, Director and Co-Founder of Climate Parents 510-282-0440,

For more information about California’s climate leadership visit:


September 11th is the last day for each house to pass bills to the Governor’s desk. All Senate Floor Sessions, Committee and Oversight Hearings are Live-Streamed at

September 8, 2015