Ensure Cap and Trade funding is invested responsibly in projects that maximize greenhouse gas reductions and meet the goals of AB 32.
"California sets climate goals and accomplishes them with a positive impact on the economy and our health.
Let’s continue showing the world how it’s done."
Kevin de León
Senate President pro Tempore
Live Stream: Governor Brown Signs Landmark Climate and Clean Energy Legislation in Los Angeles

SB 32: Building for the Future
Set the overarching climate pollution reduction target for 2050 that will provide California businesses with regulatory certainty, improve public health, and strengthen the economy.
Proposal, Bill Language

SB 350: Golden State Standards
Spur innovation and investment in a sustainable California by setting the following goals for 2030:
50% utility power coming from renewable energy;
50% increase in energy efficiency in existing buildings.
Proposal, Bill Language, New: Myth versus fact

SB 189: Maximizing Jobs and Economic Growth
Advanced energy is the fastest growing jobs sector in the country, we need to make sure these jobs keep growing all over California.
Proposal, Bill Language

SB 185: Investing with Values and Responsibility
Focus on the future and lead by example by having the country’s largest public pension funds move its investments beyond coal.
Proposal, Bill Language
Full Bill Package

SB 9 (Beall)
Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program
SB 32 (Pavley)
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: emissions limit
Set the overarching climate pollution reduction target for 2050 that will provide California businesses with regulatory certainty, improve public health, and strengthen the economy.
SB 64 (Liu)
California Transportation Plan
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase sustainability, and help prepare the state transportation system to deal with long-term climate change.
SB 185 (De Leon)
Investing with Values and Responsibility
Focus on the future and lead by example by having the country’s largest public pension funds move its investments beyond coal.
SB 189 (Hueso)
Maximizing Jobs and Economic Growth
Advanced energy is the fastest growing jobs sector in the country, we need to make sure these jobs keep growing all over California.
SB 246 (Wieckowski)
Climate Adaptation
Establishes the California Climate Adaptation Program and program to develop and implement mitigation and adaptation plans to ensure a comprehensive approach to California’s overall climate strategy.
SB 350 (De Leon & Leno)
Golden State Standards
Spur innovation and investment in a sustainable California by setting the following goals for 2030: 50% reduction in petroleum use; 50% utility power coming from renewable energy; 50% increase in energy efficiency in existing buildings.
SB 367 (Wolk)
Agriculture Climate Benefits Act
Ensure that California’s agriculture sector maximizes its opportunities to achieve voluntary greenhouse gas emission reductions by developing projects and on-farm practices that also have other environmental and health benefits.
SB 379 (Jackson)
Climate Adaptation
Ensure cities and counties are providing for the safety and protection of their communities in the future by including climate adaptation and resiliency strategies as part of the safety elements of their general plans.
SB 398 (Leyva)
Green Assistance Program
Create the Green Assistance Program to provide technical assistance to small businesses, small non-profits and disadvantaged communities to access funding for energy efficiency upgrades or projects that lessen the negative health impacts of poor air quality.
SB 758 (Block)
Atmospheric Rivers
Require study of atmospheric river patterns to increase water supply reliability and flood protection to make more effective use of their patterns as they produce 30 to 50 percent of California’s rain and water supply within a handful of days each year.
SB 788 (McGuire & Jackson)
California Coastal Protection Act of 2015
Ensure that the Coastal Sanctuary Act and Marine Protection act are able to provide their intended protections by repealing outdated sections of the Public Resources Code.
We can grow the economy and protect the environment at the same time
Climate leadership policies are good for consumers
What Others Are Saying

Dave Jones
Insurance Commissioner
"As Insurance Commissioner, I am responsible for evaluating a wide range of risks to California’s economy, and working with insurers to develop strategies to protect against those risks. Of all of the hazards to our health and the health of our economy over the long-term, none are potentially more catastrophic than those posed by climate change. Nearly every facet of our economy will be affected, from healthcare, to agriculture and energy production, to our critical infrastructure and coastal properties. Many of our industries are already feeling the consequences. If we don’t take bold action, the costs will grow exponentially over time. I was proud to vote for AB 32 in 2006 as a member of the Assembly, and I strongly support SB 350 and SB 32.”

Kamala Harris
Attorney General
“Today, millions of Californians enjoy cleaner air and water because of our state's longstanding efforts to improve our environment. SB 350 and SB 32 build on this legacy by setting aggressive but achievable clean energy goals. These bills will ensure California continues to innovate smart solutions to climate change while growing our economy and improving public health.”

Betty Yee
“Climate change is one of the most urgent issues of our time. It threatens our water supply, exacerbates the state’s wildfires and impairs our air quality. California is leading the nation successfully in developing innovative policies and strategies to reduce air pollution, implement clean energy technologies, and reduce our carbon emissions while maintaining a strong economy and protecting consumer choice. California can build on this foundation by pushing these programs even further. The goals established by SB350 will lead the business and financial communities to make the necessary investments for developing alternative energy technological improvements, turning what is possible into what is achievable.”

Gavin Newsom
Lieutenant Governor of California
“The greatness of California is dreaming big and having audacious goals. What the Governor set forth in his January 2015 State of the State remarks, and the ambition of Senate Bill 350 are well within that tradition.”

Mayor Eric Garcetti
Los Angeles Mayor
"Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León is showing real leadership with this proposal. Reducing carbon pollution is a top priority for Los Angeles, and I look forward to working with the Senator to advance the state's greenhouse gas reduction goals in ways that will benefit our environment, our economy and our most at-risk residents."

Tom Torlakson
Superintendent of Public Instruction
“I urge you to support SB350. By reducing California’s dependence on petroleum and other air-polluting emissions, we will ensure that our students have healthier air in which to play and learn. Healthy students not only excel academically, but also are more likely to be positively engaged in social, community, and extra-curricular activities. The benefits of providing cleaner air for the students of California include fewer missed school days due to asthma-related incidents.”

Tom Steyer
President and Founder
“I join a generation of California business leaders and job creators in applauding Senate President Kevin de León and his colleagues for introducing landmark legislation to ensure California is reaching higher and building on its global leadership in meeting the climate challenge. These are achievable policy proposals that will create good-paying green jobs here in California, mitigate the impact of climate change, and leave a cleaner, safer, more stable world for the next generation.
"California has long been a leader when it comes to tackling climate change—spearheading some of the nation’s most groundbreaking climate change solutions and energy efficiency laws. At a time when our state is faced with the choice between moving backwards by accepting the fossil fuel industry’s status quo or embracing a clean energy future for our state, this new legislative package includes commonsense proposals that will move California forward. Climate change is the most pressing issue of our generation, and I will continue to support the important work being done by our leaders in Sacramento. There’s no question California will continue to set the example for our nation and the world in creating the advanced energy economy that our children deserve."

Ryan Popple
President and CEO
“Proterra commends Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León for his leadership in advancing California’s greenhouse gas emission goals. Senator De León’s support of zero-emission public transit buses ensures that all California residents have the opportunity to ride and commute by electric vehicle and realize the health and other associated benefits. We are excited to expand manufacturing of our state-of-the-art, zero-emission buses to California and look forward to being a growing part of fulfilling California’s leading environmental policies; including AB 32, the Governor’s ZEV Action Plan for 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles on California’s roadways by 2025, Low Carbon Fuel Standard, and SB 350 to reduce petroleum use by up to 50% by 2030.”

John Chiang
“The nation’s largest credit rating agencies are increasingly studying the implications of climate-related risks on creditworthiness. For California, the largest municipal borrower in the U.S., taking proactive steps to mitigate these risks may help us in the long run to obtain cheaper capital, avoid downgrades, and minimize the cost of borrowing to taxpayers. The effects of global warming can be felt throughout California: unprecedented wildfires, more intense storms, climate-exacerbated drought, dwindling snowpack, rising sea levels, deteriorating air quality. Less visible, but no less alarming, is the fiscal pinch climate change is wreaking on many areas of California's economy, from farming and worker productivity to our recreation and tourism industries. Saying ‘yes’ to cleaner cars, cleaner buildings and cleaner energy offers Californians their best chance to adjust course. If we can avoid timidity and apathy, we have a real chance to contain the damage of climate change and secure the well-being and prosperity of our state."

Ann Notthoff
California Director
"Californians are seeing every day that climate action and a healthy economy go hand in hand. The State Senate is leading in their climate policies. This is good news for California and our climate action partners across the country and around the world."

Curtis Knight
Executive Director
“California Trout commends Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León, and Senators Ben Hueso, Mark Leno, Fran Pavley and Bob Wieckowski for their leadership in forging the new green economy and for supporting the extension of AB 32, which is a crucial part of California’s response to climate change. We are pleased that our organizational goals with regard to climate change are aligned with the Senate’s priorities, and we are ready, with our partners, to take action to reduce emissions, build resilience to climate change and restore eco-system services.”

Peter Miller
Senior Scientist
“Senator De León’s leadership is an important step forward in protecting our environment, economy, and vulnerable communities. This effort to align our state’s policies to reflect our governor’s ambitious goals for renewables, energy efficiency, and petroleum use demonstrates how our leaders are working together to move climate action forward in California.”

Lauren Faber
West Coast Political Director
"Pro Tem De Leon and Senators Pavley, Leno, Hueso, and Wieckowski are pushing a bold agenda that will ensure California’s climate and clean energy leadership goes hand-in-hand with robust job growth and economic development. Establishing long-term goals and targets is a win-win for California communities and the California economy. We look forward to partnering with the Senators and other stakeholders this year as these measures move forward.

Ruben Guerra
Chairman and CEO
"Latinos who own and run California businesses strongly believe that our state’s innovative clean energy and climate policies are helping their companies – and the state’s economy as a whole – grow and thrive. Powering the new economy and creating good jobs is the stuff that business dreams are made of, and Latino business owners are working hard to make those dreams a reality. Thanks to California’s legislative leaders for continuing to support a healthier, cleaner, more prosperous state for us all to live and work."

Brigid McCormack
Executive Director
“Taking aggressive action on carbon pollution helps us protect two of California’s greatest assets – our diverse communities and our natural treasures. Recent Audubon research shows that more than 170 birds face a dire future unless we work to address global warming. But beyond that, we deserve clean air to breathe and the ability to enjoy our beautiful outdoor places.”

Mike Levin
Director of Government Affairs
"As one of the most desirable places in the nation to live, start a business, and have a family, Orange County is ideally positioned to be front and center in the new clean technology economy. We look forward to working with California's legislative leadership to take bold steps to put our state in a position for further investment and job creation, to reduce our dependence on conventional combustion power plants, and to employ the most beneficial technology available in order to reduce greenhouse gases and other pollutants."

Pasquale Romano
“Addressing climate change is a significant challenge and represents an important opportunity for California. The adoption of electric vehicles is a key component to reaching our state’s clean air goals and driving the innovation that will bring more high paying jobs to California. ChargePoint looks forward to our continued partnership with California's state legislators to help maintain our leadership position in technology, innovation and environmental stewardship.”

Bernadette Del Chiaro
Executive Director
“California’s commitment to renewable energy is bringing real jobs and economic development to local communities throughout the state. The solar industry alone employees more people than the state’s utilities combined. By creating a new set of policies to spur development through 2030, California will reap real economic benefits."

Caroline Farrell
Executive Director
"We strongly support the Senate’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gases and look forward to working with them to emphasize the health and job-creating benefits of increased reductions directly from sources in California. Direct reductions will bring desperately needed air pollution reductions and good jobs. which is particularly important to communities in the Central Valley, who suffer from some of the worst air pollution and highest poverty levels in the country."

Byron Gudiel
Executive Director
"We are enthusiastic and applaud the leadership of Senator de León in proposing these aggressive targets in reducing petroleum fuel usage in California. We know that moving towards a carbon-free transportation, promoting clean alternative options, and enhancing public transit is a win-win strategy that enhances public health and allows Californians to invest their money in their own state as opposed to sending it out to oil companies. We look forward to working with Senator de León and other elected officials and implementing agencies to make sure that low-income communities of color are given priority in these investment decisions, and communities most need benefit significantly from this new green economy."

Adam Simpson
"California has always been a leader in developing energy policy that benefits its environment, ratepayers, and businesses. The bold energy and environmental agendas being put forward by our legislators are perfect examples of how California continues to lead. EtaGen looks forward to continuing to work with California’s legislative leadership to develop technology neutral energy and environmental policies that ensure in-state job growth, lower consumer costs, and a cleaner environment."

Olivia J. Gertz
President and CEO
“Climate change is the most important public health issue of our time and reducing climate pollution will generate billions in public health benefits for all communities in California. Each step forward to clean up transportation, electricity generation and other pollution sources means fewer asthma attacks and fewer hospitalizations for asthma and other respiratory illnesses. That’s why the American Lung Association in California applauds Senate Pro Tem Kevin de Leon and Senate leadership, including Senators Pavley and Leno, for the visionary climate bill package being released today.”

David Tom Cooke, MD
Volunteer Physician
“There is nothing more urgent than protecting the lives of our children and future generations, and that’s why physicians and health professionals stand behind the Senate’s proposed bill package taking California’s commitment to clean air and a clean energy economy to an historic level. Less petroleum and fossil fuels, more efficiency and more renewable energy are critical to my patients’ health and a healthy climate for all.”

Susan Frank
"California's 'Main Street' business community has long been ahead of the curve on adopting clean energy practices from energy efficiency to waste reduction to clean vehicle fleet practices. My 1,300 business, association and chamber of commerce members support California's legislative leadership in taking the next steps to cement our state's competitive edge, while providing certainty, flexibility and profitability."

Arno Harris
“This package of legislation is a bold and important step forward in realizing Governor Brown’s vision for California’s continued clean energy leadership. By increasing our State’s commitment to renewable energy, we deliver cleaner air and greater economic prosperity to Californians.”

Vien Truong
Environmental Equity Director
"California has six of the most polluted cities in the country. The U.S. Census also found that our state is the poorest in the nation, when taking into account the costs of living. These proposals bridge the false dichotomy between economic and environmental priorities by creating solutions that will clean the air, improve our health, and create more jobs. This policy package gets us innovative and aggressive solutions for people and the planet."

Sarah Rose
“We applaud Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León and his Senate colleagues for their leadership on climate change. California leads the nation in energy efficiency, cleaner cars and energy storage. Our climate and clean energy laws already on the books are creating hundreds of thousands of jobs and cleaning our air. But given the ongoing climate threats to our environment and the health and safety of our communities, we can't stop there; we must continue to craft bold policy solutions to the challenges presented by climate change. We look forward to working with the pro Tem and other climate and clean energy champions in the legislature and with the business, environmental justice, public health, labor, and scientific communities to maintain California’s national and global leadership on climate change and clean energy solutions.”

Rob Holland
Chair of the board of CALPIRG Students
“Global warming is the biggest threat for our generation. We are already seeing some of the impacts of a changing climate; we are living right now in the worst drought in California history, wildfires are getting worse every year, and we are seeing more extreme weather events, like hurricanes and superstorms. CALPIRG Students supports the efforts of the Senate to dramatically decrease our dependence on fossil fuels. After all, it’s our generation and the generations after us that will suffer the worst consequences of inaction.”

Shannon Baker-Branstetter
"Longer-term planning of the trifecta of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and reducing oil consumption exemplifies California's leadership and lays the foundation for a healthier future with more consumer choice and consumer power."

Kathryn Phillips
"Californians have learned a lot about climate change in the last decade. We know from experience that it changes rainfall patterns, increases air pollution, and makes us more vulnerable to wildfires. We also know how to reduce the public health and environmental risks of climate change and that's by embracing the actions proposed in these bills."

Lyndon Rive
CEO and Co-Founder
“SolarCity is proud to stand with Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León and Senate Leadership today in support of historic legislation to significantly expand the use of one of the state’s most valuable resource: abundant sunshine. Doing so will drastically reduce dangerous carbon emissions while bolstering the reliability our grid and continuing the growth of solar jobs at a rate 10 times faster than the state’s overall economy. The flexibility already embedded in the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) will ensure that the state can reach this ambitious goal in a cost-effective manner. We urge the Legislature to provide even more flexibility by allowing rooftop solar systems to meaningfully count towards the RPS.”

Shawn Riggins
“Senator Kevin De Leon’s commitment to energy efficiency, and especially the creation of jobs for and in disadvantaged communities, will truly make a difference in the lives of many. On behalf of the California Association of Local Conservation Corps (CALCC) and the thousands of young people served by our programs, we appreciate the leadership of the Senate on issues of climate change.”

Steve Westly
Founder and Managing Partner
"California has been the epicenter of innovation in America over the last 100 years. Our companies have revolutionized the entertainment, agriculture, transportation, energy, and technology sectors. Today, it is increasingly clear that clean energy is the next frontier in the innovation economy.
The California Climate Leadership legislative package puts California at the forefront of the fight against climate change. I work with companies everyday that are developing cutting edge clean technology solutions, and Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León’s legislative leadership will provide the regulatory certainty and public investments necessary to enable innovation and job creation here in California. The clean technology industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy, creating tens of thousands of good jobs in the past decade. This legislation will spur California to lead the clean tech economy for decades to come."

Laurie Wayburn
"California’s leadership on climate action continues to be an example to the nation and the world, proving that you can reduce emissions while growing the economy. To meet our climate challenge we must continue to reduce emissions and increase efficiency, while also managing our forests and other lands to remove more CO2 from the air and adapt to our changing climate."

Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham
“Once again and alleluia, California is leading the way for the world on clean energy, conservation and efficiency. The folks in Sacramento are showing that CA can give a boost to the economy, put people to work and keep us healthy and safe at the same time. No one is left out of this plan. It also demonstrates God’s call to serve the poor by addressing the needs of disadvantaged communities. At California Interfaith Power and Light we applaud the Climate Leadership legislation.”

Daniel M. Curtin
Director, California Conference of Carpenters
"The transition from carbon based to renewable energy is one of the most important challenges of our generation. We applaud the efforts of Senator De Leon and his colleagues to keep California in the forefront of this effort. Skilled construction workers have been building energy infrastructure from the water wheels of antiquity to modern coal and gas fired energy plants. We look forward to providing the skilled workforce that will build our renewable energy future providing jobs for our members and energy to fuel our 21st Century economy."

Miya Yoshitani
Executive Director
"A majority of low income and immigrant Asian American's in California think that climate change is a serious threat to their quality of life. Under the Senate's leadership, and in particular, Pro Tem de León, environmental justice communities are beginning and will continue to see tangible benefits: cleaner air for our children, more economic opportunities for our neighborhoods, and a healthier climate for our planet. SB350 will make all of these real."

Lisa Hoyos
Director and Co-Founder
"From air pollution to extreme weather to drought, kids and communities are suffering the effects of fossil fuel pollution, and 50-50-50 is a critical step in realizing the clean energy future our kids deserve."

Mary Solecki
Clean Fuels Program Director
"Business leaders in every corner of California know that smart policies that protect our environment can also grow our economy and create good, high-paying jobs.”

Strela Cervas
"The California Environmental Justice Alliance supports the bold climate policies of the Senate leadership. Low-income communities and communities of color have borne a disproportionate burden of pollution for too long, and these policies will equitably reduce emissions in all communities while bringing good jobs to communities that most need them. California needs a strong renewable energy mandate to get to 50 percent renewable energy by 2030 with a clear roadmap to transition off of fossil fuels."

Jose Marin
"Valley CAN applauds Senator De Leon for his visionary stance on climate change. We know from experience the urgent need for community based environmental programs that bring real jobs to disadvantaged communities in the Central Valley."

Peter Yolles
Founder & Chief Policy Officer
“WaterSmart Software applauds Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León for his leadership in advancing California’s greenhouse gas emission and water-use efficiency goals. About 20% of California’s total energy use is to move, heat and treat water around the State. Communities throughout California will benefit from Senator De León’s support for accelerating deployment of technologies that provide immediate water efficiency and associated energy savings. Innovative solutions, like WaterSmart’s water-use monitoring software with customized Home Water Reports, are essential to meet the average 25% water reduction mandate, which in turn saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions to help meet the State’s climate goals.”

Jason Anderson
President and CEO
"Cleantech San Diego was founded on the premise that in the cleantech economy, sustainable business practices are viable only if they make financial sense. Eight years later, Cleantech San Diego's membership includes private, public, and academic member organizations that are backing this movement and proving the case. When we help cleantech businesses succeed, it’s not only good for the planet and future generations, it also makes sense for our collective bottom line. I applaud California’s legislative leaders for empowering our state’s innovative clean technology marketplace."

Sarah Glade Gurney
"Climate change has long been a priority issue in Sonoma County, and we applaud Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León and his colleagues for their leadership. This suite of bills will allow California to accelerate the climate solutions we need to ensure the long-term health and prosperity of our communities. They also provide a clear roadmap to guide the implementation of coordinated action at all levels of government.”

Matthew Freedman
Staff Attorney
“California has the opportunity to extend its world leadership in clean energy by setting the bar even higher and taking the next steps towards energy independence. Achieving a 50% renewable energy mix by 2030 will reduce California’s reliance on fossil fuels, protect consumers from volatile prices, develop new clean industries, and reduce our environmental footprint.”

Adrienne Alvord
Director, California and Western States
“Smart transportation and energy policies have resulted in California consumers saving money right now, and the savings will continue to grow if we adopt the next generation of low-carbon policies. Sending a strong signal that California is committed to transition fully to a low-carbon economy will help spur the investments we need to get there.”

Bill Magavern
Policy Director
"Enacting the Senators' progressive proposals will give Californians much cleaner air by slashing emissions from dirty fossil fuels; we look forward to working with the Legislature to ensure that these bills benefit those Californians who suffer the most from pollution, climate change and poverty."

Marvin Kropke
Business Manager
“California is truly at an historic crossroad. Ratepayers shouldn’t be purchasing rainforests in Brazil or buying empty pieces of paper. Ratepayer funds should be used to create hundreds of thousands of jobs in California and to clean California’s air. The IBEW will continue to stand should to shoulder with Senator De León on this issue.”

Tom Werner
CEO and President
“Climate change is threatening our environment and health, and California is leading the transition from a heavy reliance on fossil fuel-based energy to a clean, efficient and thriving economy powered by renewables. SunPower directly employs about 750 people in California, and thousands more through our independent dealer channel.”

Louis Blumberg
Director, California Climate Change Program
“When it comes to climate action, the world is watching California and Senator De León’s exceptional leadership demonstrates once again, that what happens in our state is a model for the rest of the world.”

Macy Neshati
Vice President, Sales
“Tackling climate change is one of California’s greatest economic opportunities of the 21st century, and Thanks to Senator De Leon, we may be well on our way soon! The jobs created by Ca based companies like BYD Coach and Bus will reach into the thousands and will have a ripple effect throughout our great Nation as allied industries and sub-suppliers feel the positive impact of growing demand. Our Collective Green dream should encompass harnessing the abundant and free energy from our sun via ever more efficient solar panels, storing that energy in stationary energy systems comprised of safe, non-hazardous, non-toxic batteries, and using that clean, zero emission energy to charge our zero emission cars, buses, trucks, and off road vehicles thereby creating a safe, renewable, sustainable non-petroleum based cycle of clean, efficient, and cost effective energy. Is it possible to have an economic boom that is actually good for the environment? Of course it is, If we can dream it, we can build it.”

John Boesel
President and CEO
“The clean transportation technology industry is rapidly growing and strong goals, such as the 50% cut in oil use by 2030, will help spur further innovation, investment, and progress. CALSTART applauds the Senate’s leadership and commitment to moving California to a better transportation future.”

Catherine Wolfram
Cora Jane Flood Professor of Business Administration
"California has been a leader on environmental issues for decades, and climate change is no different. The world is looking to us for guidance, so we need to act quickly and effectively."

Ahmad Chatila
President and Chief Executive Officer
“These types of long-term policies help provide much needed market certainty – they helped convince SunEdison to move our operational headquarters back to California in 2011. Moreover, the state has proven that it can reliably integrate greater renewable energy goals and reap energy and economic benefits from doing so. And our customers want this product because they are looking to save money on their energy bills. The Governor and Senate leadership should be applauded for their vision that will create more jobs in California.”

Brian Sehnert
LEED AP & Principal
"With the world's seventh largest economy and a growth rate higher than the U.S. average, California is showing that climate actions and economic growth are fully compatible. The California Climate Leadership Package is a comprehensive effort to go further in addressing the most pressing issue of our time, by transforming our economy for the long haul. Senate pro Tem's de Leon's vision and leadership is to be commended."

David London
Senior Director, U.S. Government Relations
“As a global company, eBay Inc. is committed to becoming a leader for greener commerce with the belief that environmental stewardship and good business go hand in hand. We believe that making environmentally conscious investments increases the reliability of our power supply and stabilizes operating costs while also reducing our environmental impact – benefits that support continued growth and innovation across all of eBay’s properties and geographies. We applaud the Pro Tem’s leadership on getting California closer to its GHG reduction goals and for recognizing what’s good for business and what’s good for the environment are not mutually exclusive."

Mary Leslie
President, Los Angeles Business Council
"Creating a vibrant California economy will depend on implementing smart, far-sighted policies to confront the crisis of climate change and strengthen California as a global leader in renewable energy. The legislation being unveiled today aligns closely with the goals of the LABC in Los Angeles: to promote sustainability, create long-term jobs for the future, and ensure that all of our communities share in the benefits."

Stanley Greschner
Vice President, Government Relations and Market Development
“As California expands its commitment to transition to a clean energy future, we must make sure that disadvantaged communities are part of the solution and that all Californians have equitable access to these technologies and jobs. These policies and initiatives will ensure equitable access to all Californians.”

Rhone Resch
President and CEO
“California continues to be #1 in the nation in both solar jobs and installed solar capacity for good reason – smart, effective public policies and tenacious leadership. We applaud Governor Brown, Senator De Leon and other legislative leaders for their commitment to a healthier environment and a clean energy future. Today, California has an estimated 9,800 MW of installed solar capacity, which last year helped to offset 11.3 million metric tons of harmful carbon emissions. That’s the equivalent of removing more than 2 million cars from California’s roads and highways and reason for all of us to cheer loudly.”

Eddie Kurtz
Executive Director
“In a historic move by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León and key members of his caucus, California again proved that its leaders have the vision to lead the nation forward on environmental policy and reducing greenhouse gases. The package of proposed bills will not only cut petroleum use by half by 2030, but it will also greatly increase the production of electricity from renewable resources like wind and solar.
“We applaud Senators de León, Fran Pavley, Mark Leno, and Ben Hueso for their environmental and economic leadership. They will help California build a stronger economy while simultaneously eliminating pollution from the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil that produces our food. Corporate profiteers who exploit the current economy for their benefit will no doubt attack these proposals by looking backwards and thinking narrowly, but Courage Campaign and its 900,000 members will join with Senate Democrats to move California toward a brighter future."

Dennis Murphy
The U.S. Green Building Council strives to transform the way buildings are designed, built and operated to ensure a healthier, more prosperous and equitable future. Starting with the first Brown administration, California has led the way towards a forward-thinking clean energy economy. Today our legislative leaders embark on an exciting new era, re-imagining and implementing a vision harnessing our state’s technology and innovation culture. USGBC California looks forward to fostering the best possible environment for highly-functioning and responsive buildings and communities contributing to the betterment of all.

Craig LeMessurier
Senior Director of Corporate Communications
“KB Home is proud to participate in today’s event. We commend the work of Senate President Pro Tem de Leon and the other distinguished California leaders present today for their efforts to support businesses like ours build a better, more energy-efficient California.”

Robert García
Founding Director and Counsel
“Climate is a civil rights issue as well as a health, economic, and environmental issue. Low income communities and communities of color disproportionately live in the areas most heavily burdened for pollution and vulnerability, and have the worst access to green space. A successful climate movement will address the rights of communities of color and low income communities directly. We strongly support the Senate’s groundbreaking climate package and agree that we can grow the economy and protect human health and the environment at the same time. California is providing best practice examples to address climate change.”