CA Senate Democrats - Accomplishments 2017
Senate Democrats confronted California’s housing crisis by increasing funding to proven programs for homeless veterans, families, seniors and people with disabilities. The Legislature’s affordable housing package is anchored by the Senate’s proposals to place a $4 billion general obligation bond on the November 2018 ballot, create a permanent funding source for affordable housing and reform regulations to speed up new housing construction.
Over the next decade, California will invest an additional $5.4 billion annually in road, freeway, bridge and transit projects – creating jobs, lowering commute times and making our roads safer. The plan includes accountability measures to ensure the funding cannot be spent on anything but transportation.
Not only did Senate Democrats successfully extend the state’s landmark greenhouse gas reduction program known as Cap and Trade, they led the way with a new plan to retrofit, replace and invest nearly $1 billion in new clean technologies to replace older, dirty diesel engines. The #CACleanAirInitiative is a historic effort to reduce the public health risk from diesel pollution.
Threats of a mass deportation policy by the federal government rallied California to protect our immigrants, who contribute greatly to our culture and economy. Senate Democrats authored a package of legislation to safeguard our people and communities, anchored by the California Values Act, to ensure that state and local resources are not diverted to enforcement of federal immigration laws. Senators also secured $75 million dollars for the One California Program and California’s DREAMers.
Not since 2002 have voters had the opportunity to approve a statewide general obligation bond for parks. Senate Democrats led the way, placing a $4 billion plan on the June 2018 ballot to address park access, water quality and flood protection. In response to environmental threats from the Trump Administration, Senate Democrats also passed landmark measures to protect science and ensure that California's precious federal lands will always remain in public hands.
This year's budget spends a record amount on K-12 schools, raising per pupil spending to over $11,000 – the highest in California history. Senate Democrats also expanded funding for CalGrants and a program that incentivizes college completion in four years.
Senate Democrats introduced and passed a package of bills to keep young children out of the juvenile justice system and fix longstanding inequity for youth and adults. The #EquityAndJustice package is focused on prevention, rehabilitation and maintaining family cohesion.
Senate Democrats passed a new measure that promotes transparency in the health care system by shining a light on the true costs of pharmaceuticals.
Senate Democrats set new standards with laws on equality, including measures to provide 12 weeks of unpaid maternity and paternity leave if you work for a small employer; defending and strengthening Title IX standards in California to ensure all schools, colleges and universities implement federal regulations regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence prevention; and passing the Gender Recognition Act to create a third gender marker on state-issued identification documents for people who identify as non-binary or intersex.
Senate Democrats eliminated dark money from California campaigns. The California Disclose Act makes it easier for voters to identify the top-funders of campaign ads and allows voters the opportunity to make better informed decisions based on honest information.