Macy Neshati

“Tackling climate change is one of California’s greatest economic opportunities of the 21st century, and Thanks to Senator De Leon, we may be well on our way soon! The jobs created by Ca based companies like BYD Coach and Bus will reach into the thousands and will have a ripple effect throughout our great Nation as allied industries and sub-suppliers feel the positive impact of growing demand. Our Collective Green dream should encompass harnessing the abundant and free energy from our sun via ever more efficient solar panels, storing that energy in stationary energy systems comprised of safe, non-hazardous, non-toxic batteries, and using that clean, zero emission energy to charge our zero emission cars, buses, trucks, and off road vehicles thereby creating a safe, renewable, sustainable non-petroleum based cycle of clean, efficient, and cost effective energy. Is it possible to have an economic boom that is actually good for the environment? Of course it is, If we can dream it, we can build it.”  

Macy Neshati
BYD Coach and Bus
Vice President, Sales